WordPress Dashicons: What You Need to Know, How to Install Them

WordPress Dashicons (also known as WordPress emojis) are a popular, easy way to add some flavor and interactivity to your posts. They’re tiny images that can be used anywhere in your post content. You can use them to illustrate the tone of your post or to playfully express an emotion.

Interested in adding WordPress Dashicons? Keep reading for a complete guide on how they work and how to install them!


WordPress Emojis, or WordPress Dashicons as they’re sometimes called, are a form of inline media that you can use to illustrate the tone of your post or to playfully express an emotion. They’re tiny images that can be used anywhere in their post content.

To use a WordPress Dashicon, a social share button, a video thumbnail or a YouTube thumbnail, you need to upload the image from your computer via the Insert/Edit Media screen. You can find this screen by clicking on Add Media in the left sidebar of any page in your dashboard.

After uploading the image, click on it and then scroll down to click on Embed Options. In this section there will be an “Embed Code” box with two buttons:

* Text Icon: This is for adding WordPress Dashicons into text posts, which is often used for emoticons and other non-text graphics inserted into text posts.

* Image Icon: This is for adding WordPress Dashicons into visual posts like blog posts and pages. It also works in Instagram images when you add them from within your dashboard.


A common use for WordPress Dashicons is to add them to your blog posts. With this simple step, you can add a little pizzazz to your text-based posts. It’s a fun way to add emotion and express the tone of your post.

To add a dashicon in WordPress, simply insert an image between the following parentheses:


It’s a common misconception that Dashicons and emoticons are the same thing, but they’re actually different. Emoticons have been around since the 1970s, while Dashicons were created in 2012.

One of their main differences is that emoticons typically require a colon to separate the character from the emotion, while WordPress Dashicons don’t need any punctuation at all. For example, if you wanted to express happiness, you would use 🙂 with emoticons, but you would just type it out as 🙂 with WordPress Dashicons.

Additionally, there are many more WordPress Dashicon options than there are smiley faces and frowny faces in emoticon libraries. There’s a whole library of them! You can find everything from bacon to swans to birthday cakes and more!

WordPress Dashicons make for an excellent way to add some flavor and interactivity to your posts without making them too complicated. They’re also great for when you need to illustrate the tone of your post or want to playfully express an emotion without using words or taking up much space on your post.


WordPress Dashicons are a fun and interactive way to add some personality to your posts. They’re a neat way to illustrate the tone of your post or to playfully express an emotion. A non-verbal method of communication, WordPress Dashicons offer a new level of engagement with your readers.


WordPress Dashicons are tiny images that you can drop into your post content. They’re used to illustrate the tone of your post or express an emotion.

You can use them anywhere in your content, not just at the end of a sentence. You can also use them in an inline link or even as part of a heading title.

Some common WordPress emojis include:

* Smiling face with open mouth and bright eyes * Smiling face with closed eyes * Frowning face * Crying face * 👍 Thumbs up sign * Sleeping face

There are many more to explore, so visit this page to find out more about them!


Installing WordPress Dashicons is very simple. First, you’ll need to install the Jetpack plugin on your blog. Once it’s installed, go to Settings > Writing in your dashboard.

Scroll down and you’ll see a section called “Add smileys.” From there, just click the “Find More” button and start browsing through the available dashicons. A search bar will pop up that will help you find what you’re looking for if you can’t remember the name of it.

Once you’ve found what you want, simply drag and drop it into the box and hit enter. It will automatically be added to your list of emoticons and be ready for next time! You can also edit or delete these dashicons at any time by going back to this section in your Writing settings.


The first step is to make sure you have the WordPress Dashicons plugin installed. Otherwise, head over to Plugin>Add New to search for WordPress Dashicons. Once you’re there, install and activate the plugin.

Next, go to Appearance>Customize>Dashicon under the “Social Icons” section. You can upload your own dashicon or choose one from the pre-loaded list of popular social media sites.

You can also use a WordPress emojis in posts by inserting an image tag with a dashicon inside it. For example:


If you’re hosting your blog with a website management platform like WordPress, you’ll need to use FTP to upload the icons.

With FTP, you’ll be able to connect to your server and browse through your site’s files. Once there, locate the Dashicons folder and upload the new icons.


The first thing you’ll need in order to install WordPress emojis on your website is an app. There are many different options, but one of the most user-friendly is called “WP Emoji.”

Once installed, it will show up in your menu bar. Simply select the WordPress Dashicons tab and you’ll be able to browse or search for any emoji you want! Once you’ve found the emoji you want to use, simply copy the code from the box below it and paste it into your content.

You should now have a better idea of how Dashicons work, what they are, how they work, and how to install them. You might even want to try out some of the most popular Dashicons.

The best thing about Dashicons is that they’re simple to use and you can find the perfect one for your blog post. It’s like having emojis for your blog post! And the best bit is that you don’t need to know any code or designing skills!